Filter Definitions

This page describes our approach for each restriction, as well as our estimated accuracy. We estimate accuracy based on the rate at which human annotator(s) agree that the dish is likely to meet the restriction.

Low Glycemic IndexThis filter is primarily designed to show foods which will have a low impact on blood sugar levels; either because they are low in carbohydrates, or because the primary source of carbohydrates in the dish are metabolized relatively slowly. ~96%
Heart HealthyThis filter restricts foods which are low in unhealthy fats, and sodium. Foods which are high in healthy fats, antioxidants, lean proteins, and/or healthy dietary fiber are shown instead. ~95%
Gluten-FreeThis filter relies on the claims and descriptions from restaurants. This filter shows items which restaurants claim to prepare as gluten-free. We exclude items which are marked as “gluten-friendly” or “gluten-sensitive” as we’ve observed these to be gimmicky terms applied to “low” not “no” gluten foods. We recommend always confirming with the restaurant staff that the items ordered will be prepared without gluten and in a manner which avoids cross-contamination. ~99%
HalalThis filter relies on the claims and descriptions from restaurants. This filter shows items which restaurants claim to prepare as halal. We recognize that different halal practitioners may observe differences in the definition of halal vs. haram, for example in seafood. We recommend always confirming with restaurant staff that your meal will be prepared in accordance with your requirement. ~99%
VeganThis filter relies on the claims and descriptions from restaurants. This filter shows items which restaurants claim to prepare as Vegan; that is, foods which are not sourced from animals. ~99%