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10 Tips for Staying Alert

Sometimes it's the after-lunch brain fog.  Other times we had a late night: Maybe a roommate’s dog barked into the evening, or that darn upstairs neighbor hosted a 3am dance party.  Whatever the reason, we might find ourselves needing a pick-me-up.  Besides America's favorite drug (caffeine), what are some healthy options to stay alert?

1) Wake up properly: Get morning light to reinforce your circadian rhythm, and try to stick to your usual routine rather than sleeping in.

2) Move: Stand up, walk to the restroom, refill your water cup, change seats; or if not able to do any of these, make some other subtle movement.


3) Drink water.

4) Chew gum or have a mint.

5) Use your hands.  Give yourself a mild pinch.  Or lightly touch your hand.  Any mild stimulus will do - just be sure to mix it up to avoid acquiring a tic!

6) Participate & engage actively.

7) Turn up the lights and brighten the room.


8) Switch tasks to whatever your mind is saying would be more interesting at that moment.

9) Have a healthy snack.  E.g., a small handful of nuts.  Be warned - sugary foods/drinks may result in simply postponing a greater crash.

10) Excuse yourself altogether.  Just let anyone who is relying on you know you are out of steam, need a break, or need to call it a day.  They will understand, trust me, they're human too, and have been through the same!


Obviously, the most important tip is to sleep well in the first place!  You need 9+ hours of sleep a night in your 20s to function at your best!  But, as we know, consistently restful nights aren't always possible.  I hope you found these tips helpful, and if you have others to share, I'd love to hear them.